Brazilians stage nation-wide anti-government protests


About 2000 Brazilians have taken to the streets across the country to protest against alleged government corruption and looming recession, calling for the resignation of President Dilma Rouseff.

The crowds protested against alleged endemic corruption in the government, chanting “Dilma out” and “corrupt government.”
The rallies had been largely called by web-based activist groups with demands ranging from Rousseff’s impeachment to putting an end to corruption.

“Our goal is to change Brazil. We can’t take this corruption any longer, these levels of misery and suffering. You can’t have millions of reais siphoned off each year… If Congress has even a minimum of sense, it will decide on impeachment, » said Rogerio Chequer, leader of the Vem Pra Rua (Go on the Streets) group among those organizing the protests in Sao Paulo.
