Although South Asia is experiencing rapid economic growth and the rights of children are better understood, there are still challenges regarding children’s conditions. According to statistics, 38% of children in the region suffer chronic malnutrition. ...
At least 12 people lost their lives in a car bomb and armed attack to a national intelligence site in Somalia’s capital. This is the place where suspected militants are kept. According to statistics, the ...
Historically, child marriage which is a complex issue was common around the world, but it was questioned in the 20th century since the age of marriage started to increase in many countries. As statistics show, ...
Violence which was carried out by uncontrolled individuals and small groups led to death of approximately 50 people in the Central African Republic. The unrest has lasted more than a year in the region, leading ...
The conflict in South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation after independence in 2011, has led to thousands of deaths while millions of people have been forced to flee their homes to avoid challenges such as ...