Africa is one of the world’s regions in which foreign investors have had significant impacts, including the neglect of human rights and the support of corruption. Various African resources, including oil and minerals are mostly ...
One in ten children worldwide is in child labor, that is 152 million children, 64 million girls and 88 million boys. Africa ranks first among the regions in terms of both the prevalence (or 1/5) ...
On June 7, World Food Safety Day, which aims to raise awareness and inspire action to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, calls on all groups to act including countries and communities, decision-makers, the private ...
The Human Rights Agency calls on all governments to include internally displaced, refugee and migrant children in national systems, policies and plans. To fight against all stigma and discrimination, children and young people must be ...
On 10 December 2004, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the World Program for Human Rights Education (2005-ongoing) to advance the implementation of these programs in all sectors. This program is structured in ...
The UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a global virtual conference that brings together decision makers and professionals from the global education and sustainable development communities. It will be an opportunity ...
According to a NORC survey conducted by the University of Chicago in 2018-2019, nearly 800,000 children work in cocoa, compared to 1.2 million according to a previous study by the American University of Tulane in ...
The outspread of COVId-19 has undoubtedly led to numerous mortalities worldwide, and lack of access to COVID-19 vaccine has contributed significantly to these unfortunate conditions. Vaccines are currently available in several countries, but the requirement ...
The inauguration of the new Congolese government is an opportunity for an NGO collective to demand clear commitments from the executive to prioritize justice and punish serious crimes. From words to action, this is what ...