Nigerian Muslim students face discrimination and restrictions in exercising their religious rights in schools, which constitutes a violation of the religious freedom guarantees outlined in the 1999 Nigerian Constitution. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, or ...
Nigerian women suffer violence from various angles—home, workplace, and community. These women are not statistics but are mothers, daughters, sisters, and wives who endure daily suffering because the system fails them. Gender-based violence (GBV) refers ...
Nigeria experiences floods every year, mainly due to poor water infrastructure. Recurrent floods in Nigeria significantly exacerbate food insecurity, a problem already present in the country due to conflict and poverty. Recurrent floods in Nigeria ...
Education is crucial to national growth and development, and as Cristian Munduate, the Representative of UNICEF in Nigeria, emphasized, schools should be sanctuaries of learning and growth, not sites of fear and violence. Nigeria, with ...
Researchers have long puzzled over why children in India, despite being wealthier, are shorter and smaller than children in sub-Saharan Africa. At least part of the answer may be a patriarchal society that puts young ...